Choosing how we wanted to visualize the data was one challenge we faced during the ideation process. The goal was to make an easy to read map where patterns could be uncovered just by glancing at the surface, and then more in detail as the user interacts with the visualization.
How we wanted to do this went through multiple iterations. Using the Crazy 8's method, we prototyped node networks, bar charts, 3d pillars, and bubble circles. However, we felt these mediums were either too complex when deciphering trends, or too basic where further analysis through interactions were hard to incorporate.
In our final iteration, we decided to use a Choropleth map as our medium. Our data was location based, and while the previous design iterations could represent the data, our focus was on the movement of people around NYC, and a Choropleth map gave the flexibility to show the data on the surface and the ability to incorporate further user interactions.